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The programmes and activities of different branches in the contest of the mission of DIET have wider innovative base, marking significant departure from the existing practices.

A. Pre-service Teacher Education (PSTE) Branch
DIET will organise two years teacher training programme of or around 50 students. The minimum academic qualification for admission is senior secondary schooling. The curriculum to be followed in DIETS shall be approved by NCTE in due course of time.

Functions of PSTE Branch
1. Organisation of Pre-service Teacher Education for Elementary Teachers
2. Promotion of child centred education, preparation of Aids and Action Research
3. Multi-grade/peer group teaching for NFE/AE
4. Providing Guidance Service in Schools/NFE/AE Centres
5. Learning and Remedial instruction for first generation learner
6. Education of Mild and Major disabled children
7. Provide inputs to other branches of DIET
8. Maintenance of Lab. Resource room. supporting curricular activities in areas specified in school curriculum.

B. Work Experience (W.E) Branch
This branch will identify locally relevant areas related to work experience. The curricular materials, low-cost teaching aids and evaluation by tools/ techniques etc. will be developed by this unit. It will also help educational authorities to plan and implement work experience in the district effectively in all the schools and AE/NFE centres.

Functions of W.E. Branch

1. Identification of work experience (WE) areas and development of teaching – learning material.
2. Help School/ NFE/AE authorities to introduce Work Experience(WE).
3. Conduct in-service programmer to help staff in WE.
4. Provide WE input in all programmes of DIETS.
5. Maintenance of DIETS.
6. Organisation of community service activities.
7. Maintain workshop and work related hobbies.

C. District Resource Unit (DRU) Branch
This branch assists educational authorities in planning and co-ordination of training programmes for Adult and Non-formal Education personnel throughout the district and to provide necessary support in organising such programmes. The instructional and training materials relating to adult and non-formal education will be developed by this branch. The necessary evaluation technique and tools will also be prepared for judging the effectiveness of the programme.

Functions of DRU
1. To assist educational authorities in planning and co-ordination of training programmes for AE/NFE personnel.
2. To serve as the nodal branch for organising:-Programmes of induction training and continuing education for instructors and supervisors/preraks of NFE/AE to be organised in the DIET.
3. To evaluate and monitor the quality and efficacy of training programmes for NFE/AE personnel held in and outside the DIET and to strive for their continuous improvement.
4. To maintain a data base on all NFE/AE personnel who undergo training at the Institute, and to organise follow up activities pursuant to such training.
5. To undertake field interaction (including extension) work vis-avis the AE/NFE projects and centres in the district and to act as the referral unit for academic problems thrown up by the field in the areas of NFE/AE.
6. The help the DBE and NFE/AE authorities in organising media support for the NFE/AE programmes (including by harnessing traditional media).

D. In-service programmes, Field Interaction and Innovation Co-ordination (IFIC) Branch
Continuous in-service education of teachers is necessary to keep them abreast of the changes taking place in their professional environment and to develop their skills and attitudes in the light of their changing role. Latest approaches and methodologies should be followed in the training. This branch should have also interaction with field to identify problems and prescribe solutions. Information about worthwhile experiences, innovations and success stories etc. should be obtained. Action research and experimentation needs to be conducted to tackle the specific problems. These field experiences should be used in different in-service education programmes.

Functions of IFIC Branch
1. Planning and co-ordination of in-service education
2. Identify teachers for Training. Prepare Annual Calendar of Training in and outside DIET.
3. Acts as the nodal Branch for organising In-service programme for all categories of staff in Elementary Education. Resource Programme using distance. distance-cum-teaching mode.
4. Evaluate/ monitor the quality and efficiency of work programme in and outsidt. DIET.
5. Maintain data base of all persons except of NFEIAE who undergo training in DIET
6. Serve as a reference / resource centre
7. Serve as nodal branch for all action research
8. Facilitate dissemination of information and co-ordination of activities.

E. Curriculum Material Development and Evaluation (CMDE) Branch
Curriculum for elementary Teacher Education. Adult Education and Non-Formal Education needs to be developed according to local environment and circumstances. The curriculum developed at the district level should include topics like local geography, folklore, legends, customs, forests, flora and fauna, fairs and festivals, demography, geology, minerals, agriculture, industry, communities and tribes etc. This branch may also conduct development of techniques and tools like test, question banks, rating scales, observation schedules, diagnostic testing to be used for continuous and summative learner evaluation.
Functions of CMDE Branch
1. Development of curriculum for elementary education and elementary teacher education
2. Develop tests for evaluation, diagnostic and remedial teaching and guidelines for teachers
3. Assist DRU for the same exercise given in no.2 for NFE/AE
4. Assessment to be undertaken in samples for minimum learning competencies
5. Publish periodicals; journals for the use of elementary school teachers and other staff.

F. Educational Technology (ET) Branch
Educational technology faculty plays a vital role in effective teaching and learning. This department will prepare low cost teaching aids like charts, diagrams, models, photographs, slides, audio tapes etc. for elementary and non-formal education and provide training to teachers and prospective teachers in the use technology in teaching.

Functions of ET Branch
1. Development of simple low cost teaching aids for various subjects relating for elementary education and elementary teacher education. The same attempts shall be made for NFE/AE, diagnostic testing to be used for continuous and summative learner evaluation.
2. Maintenance of the Audio-visual Equipment including a library of such materials and films with lending and borrowing facilities.
3. Liaison with TV/ AIR for broadcast on relevant topics in the areas of Elementary Teacher Education, NFE/AE.
4. Appropriate tests of evaluation of such TV/AIR programme.
5. Organising workshops for material development as per curriculum
6. Provide inputs to other pre-service and in-service programmes.

G. Planning and Management (P&M) Branch
Planning and management faculty plays an important role in the functioning of DIET. This unit will maintain an appropriate database for the district regarding Univcrsalisation of Elementary Education (UEE) and National Literacy Mission (NLM). In this regard some studies on enrolment, retention, regularity of attendance including SC/ST children may be conducted for framing policies. It also provides technical assistance in the areas of school mapping, microplanning for specific areas, school complexes and instructional areas etc. Besides this, it acts as nodal branch to select all programmes of community involvement in basic education particularly District Board of Education/ Village Education Committee (DBE)/ (VEC) and communitv leaders etc

Functions of P & M Branch
1. Prepare database for educational planning within the district and monitor facilities in UEE/NLM.
2. Conduct policy oriented research in the areas of enrolment, retention, attendance, interventions community perception and participation, development of norms on Elementary School Children NFE/AE.
3. Provide Assistance to educational authorities in school mapping, micro planning for NPE/UEE in area specific group, institutional planning and evaluation.